Turning Words Into Books
“I have enjoyed Peggy’s sense of humor and honesty. She writes books that are appealing and draw on imagination! A real delight to know!!”
“Peggy is a great pleasure to work with and has infectious enthusiasm and talent yet; she is still open to creative suggestions and collaborations that further the project toward its goal. She can be a leader or a partner. I look forward to working with her on future projects.”
“Peggy displays incredible initiative and follows through in her business and career pursuits. She is exceptionally creative, a definite “go-getter,” makes things happen, and is eager to share her knowledge and insights. Peggy is personally and professionally inspirational.”
“Peggy is a born writer with both the life and educational experiences necessary to put her on the bestseller’s list. She has profound insight and the uncanny ability to paint everyday life scenes with the stroke of her pen...turning her words into art.”